I was a huge fan of Twin Shadow's first album, and I'm stoked that their sophomore effort,Confess, is just as great as the 2010's Forget.
Stereogum says Confess is better, but I can't say that with certainty because I'm so hung up on Twin Shadow's first single, "Five Seconds," today's Tunes Tuesday pick. I haven't been able to get past pressing repeat on this song to really delve into the whole album yet. Everyone loved the Drive soundtrack last summer, and if you are one of those people, please do yourself a favor and listen to "Five Seconds." It's got the best dark, New Wave-y sheen to the whole thing. And the moment when George Lewis Jr. somehow manages to half croon, half shout, "I'm not trying to make you cry," and the synths kick in is just 80s sonic bliss.