It's definitely a sign of how disconnected I am from new music right now that I didn't know about this excellent new Father John Misty track until now. I'm a true fan girl and this song was released six months ago, for goodness sake!!!
I should probably put up a Google Alert for him. Instead, I had to stumble across a mean-spirited passage this fall about Father John Misty in the WaPo review of Lady Gaga's Joanne while reading a PRINTED OUT NEWSPAPER, egads.
“White men continue to enjoy the most security in our society, and because fraudulence doesn’t require much risk, Caucasoid fraud-bros are all around us. Among the most irritating to materialize in recent memory is Father John Misty, an obsequious indie-folk carpetbagger whose zany-smug lyrics about sex and cynicism help to posit him as a bit of a cad. When the New Yorker recently invited him to give a public talk in Manhattan, the singer greeted the audience by saying, “I cannot believe you guys bought tickets to this.” A fraud move for sure, but also something he might consider saying at the outset of every Father John Misty concert.”
Listen, a Lady Gaga country album was truly something no one asked for, but leave FMJ alone. "Caucasoid fraud-bro obsequious indie-folk carpet bagger?" It's an act and he is a national treasure.
Please ignore the haters and keep making reverb-soaked, wall-of-sound, sincerely fake indie-folk love songs, Father John Misty! Just like this one.