Hey Ms. DJ

This weekend, I had my first "DJ" gig - my good friend Serena asked me if I would like to DJ her wedding, and I agreed. What are my credentials? I have none. I just like music.

But not the kind of music people like. My picks aren't generally crowd-pleasers. If I had my way, I would play Of Montreal, the deep cuts.

Serena is smart, however and picked out her own playlist, with music that was recognizable. My job was to press "Play" on iTunes. Sounds simple enough. But still I worried. "You're going to screw up and ruin the wedding," Serena joked. Yes, that was my worry.

It turned out fine. I had to race back and forth past the wedding party to get to the laptop, which might have been obtrusive. My skills were rudimentary, yes. But when guests at a wedding breakdance to Beastie Boys' "Intergalactic," I deem it a success. In short, invite fun people to your wedding and you'll have a good time, regardless.

Awkward Album Signing - Of Montreal Edition

I don't have that many labels on my blog's tag cloud. One I do have is Of Montreal. That's how much I like this band. I've already written about how I think Kevin Barnes is a first-rate lyricist and that I want to follow them on tour like a Deadhead. So yeah, I like the band.

And I'm so feeling this song from the new album:

Is it the line "I did everything I could to make you happy/ I participated in all your protests/ Supported your stupid little blog" that speaks to me?

Or maybe I'm just a crazy girl...

I went to see them in September when they stopped through Washington. It was going to be my fourth Of Montreal concert and I decided that I needed to meet Kevin Barnes. It had to happen. Life goal, we're talking here.

Lo and behold, I saw a listing on BYT for an album signing with the band the day after Monday's 9:30 show. I walked over during my lunch break and got in line with 15 or so fans - all hipsters, some heavily tattooed and a few 12-year-olds. I felt like a narc in my cardigan and sensible heels. There was one other girl wearing a suit.

We waited around on the sidewalk for 15 minutes and then filed into the office building to buy our CDs and merchandise to get signed. With this, the girl in a suit turned to me and asked, "What is this?"

"It's an album signing with this band," I said.

"It's not a job interview? What building is this? Is it 707 G Street?"

Oh man, you are way off, I thought... About as off as one could be.

I wonder what was going through her mind when she waited in line. Maybe something like - "Are these my competitors? Why are we in a line? Dressed pretty casually aren't they? And some are 12 years old... I've got this in the bag."

I hope she made it to the right place!

With that, we went up to the Gibson Guitar Showroom and waited for the band to show up. I tried to compose what I would say to Kevin. "I love your work" just wouldn't do. But I had another idea.

At the show the day before, he showed up after a costume change in black sequin shorts. Just like the ones I wore to Lady Gaga!

Kevin's outfit

My sequin shorts at Lady Gaga. These are a pivotal item in my wardrobe.

I waited in line for my chance to get my album signed.

As my lunch hour ticked away, finally I made it to the front of the line.

And here's our conversation:

Me: Great show yesterday.

Kevin: Hey, thanks. [something to that effect]

Me: So, I have the same black sequin shorts as you.

Kevin: Heh.

** Stony Silence**

Me: Just thought you should know.

** Stony Silence**

Ughhhhhh. I weirded out the guy who wears this onstage.

Every time I meet a celebrity, I manage to freak them out. Or insult them in some way. Remember the Justin Bobby incident? I pulled a full-on Mel when I ran into Bret from Flight of the Conchords on the street in NYC. My only positive interaction was with David Sedaris - what a gracious human being he is.

The problem is that I try to be charming. It's not working. Not to self: next time you meet a celeb, be as bland as possible.

Oh well, another life goal accomplished! And I'm glad the band did the signing, it was very cool of them to do that.

This whole story is way belated, but I'm going to post some pictures from Monday's concert. I know the show got some mixed reviews, but I had a great time. You have to stand up at the front. It's so much better from that vantage point. More energy and more people jumping up and down. There will be a lot of middle schoolers, but just wait - before you know it, it will be their curfew and they'll all disappear because it's a school night.

Lysergic Bliss

I really, really like the band Of Montreal. Their music is like a ray of psychedelic sunshine, and Kevin Barnes is the man, one of the best lyricists of our generation, I do believe. Plus their shows are just so much fun.

I want to throw a party with only Of Montreal songs on the soundtrack. I want to quit my job and follow the tour around the country, like a Deadhead but with more body glitter. I want to show them off, I want to write them books, I want to corrupt their dreams, I want to crash their car.

Just song lyrics. Anyhow, the only thing is that at the concert last Thursday, I was surrounded by a sea of middle schoolers.

  • Pro: they were short so I could see over them.
  • Con: Once again, I can't help but wonder [said in a Carrie Bradshaw voice], do my tastes need to mature?

Of Montreal covered "I Want You Back" at 9:30 Club just like they did earlier in the week in NYC, but this time no Solange and no Susan Sarandon. Here's a little video I took from the DC show, it's kinda shaky because I was ready to start jumping up and down.