I don't have that many labels on my blog's tag cloud. One I do have is Of Montreal. That's how much I like this band. I've already written about how I think Kevin Barnes is a first-rate lyricist and that I want to follow them on tour like a Deadhead. So yeah, I like the band.
And I'm so feeling this song from the new album:
Is it the line "I did everything I could to make you happy/ I participated in all your protests/ Supported your stupid little blog" that speaks to me?
Or maybe I'm just a crazy girl...
I went to see them in September when they stopped through Washington. It was going to be my fourth Of Montreal concert and I decided that I needed to meet Kevin Barnes. It had to happen. Life goal, we're talking here.
Lo and behold, I saw a listing on BYT for an album signing with the band the day after Monday's 9:30 show. I walked over during my lunch break and got in line with 15 or so fans - all hipsters, some heavily tattooed and a few 12-year-olds. I felt like a narc in my cardigan and sensible heels. There was one other girl wearing a suit.
We waited around on the sidewalk for 15 minutes and then filed into the office building to buy our CDs and merchandise to get signed. With this, the girl in a suit turned to me and asked, "What is this?"
"It's an album signing with this band," I said.
"It's not a job interview? What building is this? Is it 707 G Street?"
Oh man, you are way off, I thought... About as off as one could be.
I wonder what was going through her mind when she waited in line. Maybe something like - "Are these my competitors? Why are we in a line? Dressed pretty casually aren't they? And some are 12 years old... I've got this in the bag."
I hope she made it to the right place!
With that, we went up to the Gibson Guitar Showroom and waited for the band to show up. I tried to compose what I would say to Kevin. "I love your work" just wouldn't do. But I had another idea.
At the show the day before, he showed up after a costume change in black sequin shorts. Just like the ones I wore to Lady Gaga!