Think I Found a New Email Signature

This month, my book club read "Nothing Daunted." It's a non-fiction account describing the adventures of two East Coast upper class girls as they journeyed across the country to become school teachers in the wild wild West, circa 1916.  The thing I loved about the book is how eager everyone was, from the children who trudged for miles in the snow to go to school, to the teachers who found purpose in education and uniting a community, and the settlers who believed in the American dream of a pursuing a few acres of land to call your own, no matter how harsh the terrain.  If you want to find out more about the book, take a gander at this article that fellow book club member Ellie wrote for The Atlantic!

Whenever I read old letters, like the ones in "Nothing Daunted," I feel a pang of loss for our language.  The formality, the eloquence - we just don't talk that way anymore.  Maybe I'll try to bring it back.  I will adopt the signature that I found in the book, written by Ferry Carpenter in his correspondence.  Instead of saying "Sent from my iPhone," the auto signature will say:

"With best regards to you I am very truly