Tunes Tuesday: "Hawaiian Air," Friendly Fires

It's officially summer, so here is a summer song. Light as air, Hawaiian air.

Plus it has ace lyrics like "Seeing the mountains through a fog/ Watching a film with a talking dog," and a beat that might be as catchy as the band's breakthrough single "Paris."

P.S. - My dad told us he was thinking of spending a month in Hawaii in October and that we were welcome to join. This is huge, as we've only been on one family vacation to date that didn't involve visiting relatives. But my brother immediately dismissed the free Hawaiian vacation, saying it would be too hard to work out his schedule. Don't screw this up for me, Danny!

P.P.S - Joe asked what I was listening to as I was playing this album. "Friendly Fires," I said. "How do you come up with this stuff?" he said. I said, "You don't know Friendly Fires? They are almost mainstream."

"Are they one hit away from you thinking they sold out?" he said.