On the rare occasion when I'm feeling really confident - thinking I'm looking cute, my outfit's on point, I'm so gosh gee golly clever - it can mean only one thing. I'm about to fall on my butt, probably spectacularly. Never fails.
On a happier note, let's move on to a segment I'm going to call: Ridiculous Accessories Purchased as of Late.
Photo Credit: Debie! Who also inspired the headline..
Ray Ban's got nothing on Hot Dog™ brand sunglasses. Mustard-colored, of course.
Bought this necklace on GiltFuse, got it yesterday. I don't know what my expectations were, but I wasn't counting on it to consist of giant rhinestones glued to green felt. It looks like a school project created by alien kindergartners in the year 2050. "Oh no, it's semi-hideous," I thought when I took the necklace out of the box.
Now I think I like it. Could it be, dare I say, Gaga-esque?