I've known what I want to be for Halloween for awhile now. I will post my costume later (hint: it's not Lady Gaga. I've come to terms with the fact that I am not meant to wear a leotard).
Since that's decided, I've been giving others bad advice about what they should be for Halloween. I told one friend it would be brilliant if he went as Mankini from E!'s "The Soup."
"Who?" he said. I explained:
image from eonline.com
"Just a dude who wears a bikini top, hence 'Mankini.'"
"No, I don't really want to do that," he demurred.
"It's a great idea," I said. "Be Mankini!!!!!!"
My friend Emily is doing an internship at a nursing home, and she said she has to wear a Halloween costume to work. "I need to be something that old people will think is cute," she said.
Thought about it for awhile.
"How about.....the Grim Reaper?"