Our yard is 99% weeds. There’s the weird purple bits (henbit apparently), then a healthy smattering of dandelions, crabgrass, and clover, with low-lying vines growing overtop of it all. Every week Joe goes out and mows the weeds and I look for a few obvious ones to pull. It’s an ecosystem onto itself, and the futility of where to begin all comes down on me in after a few minutes of work.
I thought we had a stone walkway to our deck, but while yanking dandelions I discovered that it’s actually a stone patio of sorts. The weeds have devoured the patio completely. When it rains, I can use a dandelion hook and unearth entire pavers as the weeds pull away like a piece of sod. Sometimes I even take the carpet of weeds and “replant” it on a bare patch of dirt.
I feel like an archaeologist! What I don’t know is where the stones begin or end. Is the whole yard like this? Regardless, I can’t stop pulling out large chunks of our weed yard, even though I don’t know if it’s an improvement.