The amount of free Substacks I’m subscribe to seems to double by the day. Substacks begat Substacks. I need them all, clearly. Similarly, my favorite thing to do is add books to my Amazon list. My reading list grows and grows while I spend all my time consuming fleeting internet ephemera (aka Tweets/X/Stories/pointless Reddit/whatevs). “For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do.”
Since Jan. 1, I’ve been trying to read 3 chapters of the Bible each night. Yesterday, Joe said “Wow, how did you read 3 chapters in that time?” Well it was one of those passages where it’s mainly a long list of names begetting names and I have to admit I skimmed. This resolution is leading to me start conversations sincerely with sentences like “The question I have about Leviticus is…”